Logotherapy, or “healing through meaning” in Greek, is the psychological theory developed by Viktor Frankl. Based on his experiences as a medical doctor, psychiatrist, neurologist, and philosopher, he formulated his meaning-centered approach which promotes freedom of choice and personal responsibility. It is internationally recognized and empirically-based.

Logotherapy empowers individuals with the ability to learn from their mistakes, allowing them to adapt to their circumstances through:

  • Their sense of humor-putting their failings into perspective;
  • Their conscience, giving them the ability to take a stand for things they believe in or against things they think are wrong;
  • Their ability to love others-helping them move beyond themselves.
  • Have passion for a cause which allows them the potential to create change in the world.

It is a deeply personal journey that each of us must take. Life has meaning under all circumstances, including the most undesirable. Logotherapy respects individuality and utilizes the values an individual chooses to adopt. It educates to personal responsibility as a fundamental and healthy part of our existence.

Explore Logotherapy

Experiential Course based on Hope Resilience Transcendence

Duration: 8 weeks (16 hours)

Self Reflection in Person - Confidence Clarity Composure

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