
Margalit brought out the essence of the Logotherapy programme for me. She communicated with impact how to understand and apply this programme in my daily life. This was done through examples from her life, understanding moments from mine as well as the analysis of the movies we watched as part of the course. I started looking for logo moments in my everyday life. I have started working on the bigger projects I had planned. It has been an eye opening & reflective journey of 8 weeks with Margalit and my fellow participants. Everything happened in the moment and not as an academic exercise. I have been able to transcend my limitations and see the bigger picture. It has been an uplifting experience for me and all gratitude to Margalit for making it happen.

Meena lyer - Psychologist & Life coach

I did the session on “Discovering your Uniqueness” with Margalit. It was such an eye opening experience. Got so many insights about my own self. She worked with me and nudged me to go deeper. She is extremely good at holding space to discover oneself and aiding that process. She pays attention to your journey and helps you look at it from a different perspective. So grateful that our paths crossed.


My name is Glenn Misquitta. I am 66 years and I live in Mumbai.

This is my Testimonial about the 8 weeks Introduction to Logotherapy course I attended from November to January 2024.

After eight (8) interesting weeks and worth to my Life thread to Death, I learnt very valuable lesson to better my life and finding meaning was never there in my agenda at all…. till you came by.

Thanks to you Margalit. Thank You for the wonderful class of 2023-24.

I highly appreciated your caring disposition and teaching style. As a senior I have had my fair share of professors and YOU (Margalit) stand out. Thank you for incorporating humor and even personal experiences of ours which allowed me to introspect and learn and also sharing your own experiences. Learning through “movies” added a new dimension to understanding Logotherapy concepts which I enjoyed. You have made Living beautiful for me, through this course. “I will remember this forever”.

I highly recommend this course to everyone looking to enhance and develop skills to deal with Life’s uncertainties.

Glenn V Misquitta

I have struggled with a ‘victim’ mentality’ all my life – and I am nearing the age of sixty-three. I credit the course on Logotherapy conducted by Mrs Margalit Chokedar, for changing my world-view.

It has shed light on the barriers I set for myself in living a life of meaning and purpose. Most of all it has changed my orientation from the past to the present and future and allowed me to view life’s challenges not as unfortunate and insurmountable, but as opportunities for growth.

I recommend this course whole-heartedly to anyone who wishes to break free from his or her past and engage more fully with the world around them.

Niharika Singh

The introduction to Logotherapy class presented by Margalit Chordekar is truly extraordinary, entertaining, interactive and meaningful. This class not only teaches the basic concepts of Logotherapy but also brings these concepts to life through meaningful exercises. The presence of participants from various countries broadens my perspective, making it more colourful and robust. Margalit Chordekar as a trainer for this class is truly skilled, her teaching style is highly effective. I really enjoy the exercises she provides, especially watching films that are relevant to the class material. In this class, I don’t just feel like I am learning, its also like a process of self-healing, self-empowerment and discovering the meaning of life to become more energized. This class is truly exceptional and I can’t wait for the advance system

Juster Donal Sinaga - Lecturer & Counselor - Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia

Margalit evokes a keen desire to further delve into thev various nuances of logotherapy through her teaching. Her methods are contemporary and oscillates between a firm grip on theory and the practical applications of logotherapy. This was brought into focus either by exploring life issues as they would happen and also through movies which were used as a vehicle on which logotherapy principles were further explored. Margalit is very passionate about logotherapy and this echos throughout the entire course through her teachings. I would recommend learning logotherapy with Margalit.

Rochelle Gomes - Psychologist & Psychotherapist - Mumbai India

The Logotherapy course is exactly what it promises to be. It is a self enriching course, a journey of self discovery through reflection. Through learning the concepts of Logotherapy, this course challenged me to reflect deeply about my life and myself.

Margalit is a wonderful facilitator, bringing to life the theory of Logotherapy through discussions, reflective questions and sharing of experiences.

The reflective exercises were truly insightful leading me to learn about myself, recognise what I struggle with and bring clarity to questions I have asked myself for a long time. It was an empowering and grounding experience.

For anyone going through a difficult time, looking for a deeper purpose or simply knowing there has to be more than this ……. this course is for you.


The journey to life begins with a quest for inner awareness, integrated with relentless search for questions and ability to face the truth about yourself and your circumstances. This has been my journey with Margalit during my stint as her student for Logotherapy.

A subject like Logotherapy can never be taught it can only be immersed in. That was the beauty of her methodology. Her patience for her students learning pace and her willingness to go beyond the design to ensure you are not left on your own, is what made me vulnerable and invested in the cause besides the fact that logotherapeautic concepts and dialogues itself are so intriguing.

Anyone wanted to embark on their personal journeys of soul searching, Coaching or in a role which requires managing relationships, I strongly suggest this course and I recommend personally to sign up with Margalit. Rest assured you won’t regret it.

Prof. Vikas Agarwal - Human Capital Developer, Strengths Coach, Assessment Practitioner, Design Thinking Facilitator and L&D Architect

I had called Mrs. Margalit during a time when I was confused regarding what I ought to be doing with my professional life. I was seeking purpose with my career. I had called in for Logotherapy Counselling. However, I was offered what I had liked even more – to learn Logotherapy itself.

Thus I joined the course. The first few classes were ok for me, but towards the second half of the classes things started to really change. I saw changes in my day to day attitudes. And so for anyone considering the classes, if you feel the course may not help please consider giving it a try till the very end. It is Life changing.

Mrs. Margalit was very patient with hearing how my week turned out & how I applied the principles of Logotherapy during the week. She would give correction on what I could change & helped me identify Logo Moments. Learning from Movies was also a fun part.

Jesvin Mathew - Bangalore

The Logotherapy course I attended was structured well to logical progression leading to finding meaning in life. Each session was explained with simplicity and clarity in layman’s language. Anyone can relate to the course as we navigate through life’s chaotic ups and downs.

Margalit is a very compassionate and endearing teacher of logo therapy. Her sense of empathy is really high that she can engage with different people in the group as per their character/ personality and seems to embody logo teachings completely.

I was going through a personal crisis/ trauma when we did group lessons. As i was fearful of attending a group Margalit did some personal sessions for me specially. A kind soul who i will be indebted to for years to come.

Margalit was always willing and eager to explain our questions if anyone interpreted the ideas differently.

Highly recommend the course and especially with Margalit.

Sumitra Seksaran - Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Certified Heal Your Life Trainer - Malaysia